Take care with your tablets

Most people with diabetes (and diabetic kidney disease) will need to take medications. It is very important to take them as prescribed to stop your medical problems from getting any worse.


Usually your GP will manage and renew your medicines. If you are experiencing a side effect from a tablet, please tell them so that they can change it for you. It can take up to a fortnight to get a repeat prescription, so remember to tell your GP early so that you do not run out of tablets.

If you are finding it difficult to remember which tablets to take and when, your GP can arrange for the pharmacy to organise your tablets for you in a dosette box or blister pack.


Dosette box

You may be entitled to help with prescriptions costs

Tablets stop sign

Do not take NSAID’s such as Ibuprofen, as this can cause further kidney damage


Over the counter medicine

Many of us use “over the counter” medications, which you can buy from a pharmacy without a prescription for example cold and flu remedies.

If you have kidney problems it is important to avoid a common type of painkiller called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Examples are ibuprofen (Neurofen) and diclofenac. These tablets can cause further kidney damage.

If you have any medical problems, it is always a good idea to speak to a doctor or pharmacist before buying any new tablets. They will be able to tell you if it is safe to take the new tablet and if it will interfere with any of your regular medications.

Herbal remedies

Herbal and traditional remedies may contain ingredients that are harmful to your kidneys. They can also interfere with your prescribed tablets. Always ask your doctor if they are safe to take.


Herbal remedies

Think Kidneys

Think Kidneys – the national campaign to raise awareness of our kidneys – their importance for life and health and how to look after them.


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