Kidney Care Workshop in Resource Limited Environments Bangladesh



Convention Hall, Kidney Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Date 10th December 2016

Key speakers Professor Magdi Yaqoob, Professor Tahseen Chowdhury 


• Discuss Kidney Care in resource limited environments.

• Outline recent advances in diagnosis and management of Primary Membranous Nephropathy.

• Prevention and management of diabetic renal disease - state of the art.

• Chronic kidney disease (CKD): Should we stop ACEI/ARBs in stage IV CKD? Discussing mineral bone disorders in CKD.

• Use of Bio-impedance to assess Fluid Overload in peritoneal dialysis patients.

Thank you note

Thanks a lot for joining the 12th annual convention and scientific seminar in Dhaka. You all contributed so much to our doctors with recent knowledge that they will never forget.

We are so happy that you have signed a MOU with our institute and this will go a long way to improve our education and research.

Thanks all of you again.

Dr Harun Ur Rashid

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